I loved the label and had to have it, not the usual way I pick my vintage but this just called out to me.
While out and about the morning (not ooot and aboot), I missed the Fed-X man with my much anticipated ipod, I must admit that this is a sheer indulgence, but I have been thinking about it for quite sometime and decided to throw caution to the wind and take the plunge. I was a huge fan of Napster and have hour upon hour of downloaded radio classics, Hancock, Round the Horne, Lux Theater, etc., you name it and I probably have it, truly my library is extensive. All this means that I will be up early tomorrow as I do not want to miss the Fed-X man on his second time around.
Yesterday the FedEx truck brought 22 volumes of Creative Hands. We subscribed to this series in the early 1970's, I think ours is 3rd or 4th printing, the first printing was around 1967.
The volumes are in exceptional condition, there is slight damage to the spine of one volume but apart from that they are like new. I have had a quick look through a few of volumes, this weekend I will set aside an afternoon or so to have a really good browse.
This is my first square, it took less than 30 minutes to knit on the bike, and if I knit 62 more I will have this very sweet blanket. The original colours are pink and red, with pink being the predominant colour, I just couldn't do red and pink together and am very happy that I already had the deeper pink and am using this as the predominant colour. Even though I am not a pinky kind of girl, I just love these two colours together. Very razzelberry.
I know that I have other projects on the needles at the moment that really need to be finished, but this really doesn't count as I am multi-tasking and will probably cast on and cast off a square during one bike ride, all in all a combined mind and body experience.
The dogs have that lunch time look in their eyes, which means it's feeding time at the zoo. After which, I will bundle the two little ones into their coats, I will pull on my boots, hat, coat and gloves and head out into the deep freeze that awaits us outdoors. (we are experiencing the coldest weather in 10 years - and for the second day school districts all across the eastern US are closed) Don't worry I have very smart dogs, even they know it's cold outside.
The second surprise was one 1/2 of my order from Cherry Menlove. Cherry is based in London and has a very special online shop.
This is the Cared For Soap Set.
The soap is from the Dahlem's Soapworks in Louisiana. It contains Jardin de Rose handmilled soap, lavender lip butter, wooden soapdish, hand knitted cotton wash cloth & solid lotion bar. The ingredients include beeswax, shea butter, olive oil, almond oil, coconut & essential oils. The lotion bar has the sweet beeswax smell, the lavender lip butter is real treat, and the hand knitted cotton wash flannel is very soft to the touch.
Cherry write two wonderful blogs, that you will fall in love with and find hard to resist. She is a very special girl, she has such a gentle and romantic spirit you will be entranced.
Last, but most certainly not least wonderful treat of the day is that my DH is home after a long week on the road. He left on Sunday for Ohio, was home for a few hours on Tuesday night, then he "shuffled off to Buffalo" for two days. He did make a quick dash across the border last night and found about 20 Cadbury Thins for me at Shoppers Drug Mart.
They are 100 calories each, come in four different varieties and count as 2 WW points. He also found 3 boxes of Aero singles, and 3 boxes of Kit Kat singles, which also count as 2 points.
All in all a very satisfying Friday.