Sweet Georiga - my "secret yarn" gift from Tee. Connie at Pick Up Sticks had the wonderful idea of sending yarn to someone we had never, or may never meet. You picked the yarn and Connie beautifully wrapped it and attached a card with the email address of the gifter. The colour is Afterglow, reminds me of wonderful summer sherbet on a very hot day.
Basket of yarn from Mystical Creations, ( sock yarn and also 2 hanks of cashmere. This yarn is created by Dani
Sunshine Yarn
By Dani Frisbie, who also sells on Esty. Dani has just started a sock club. You can join for either 3 or 6 months, check it out. I joined for the 6 and can't wait for it to start. Check out her store and blog.
I have Yarnahoy arriving soon, as well as Yarntini from Loopy Ewe I managed to buy 3 colourways yesterday but today, all sold out. I also bought the sock kit that Yarnharlot knitted the Kitri Socks.
All of this wonderful yarn complies with my Knitting from Stash for 2007.
it all looks yummy I cant wait to see it all knitted up! Next week perhaps???
Arianwen - you wishful thinker you.
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